When starting a gym business, there are a few things you should do to ensure it is successful. There’s securing a building, buying equipment, finding trustworthy and hard-working employees, and then marketing material. Something else you should do is get fitness business insurance to protect your assets. The timing of getting that insurance is important, so you don’t end up with a legal problem that could put an end to your business before it even starts.
When to Buy Fitness Business Insurance
Think of fitness business insurance just like you would homeowners insurance or car insurance. You should have the insurance BEFORE you purchase (lease) the property. This way you know as soon as it’s yours, it’s protected.
While you may not want to think about anything bad happening to your gym, it would be soul-crushing if you had a break-in or some other unfortunate event that caused a devastating financial loss.
When you’re looking for fitness business insurance, speak to the agent about your property and possible policies that would protect it from many different events. It’s important you have the appropriate coverage for your gym’s building, property, and everything inside of it.
Not only is it important to purchase fitness business insurance before you buy the property, but you should also have it instated when you’re hiring employees. Anything can happen during training and orientation. The protection you’ll get from a good policy will provide peace of mind as you get your gym business off the ground.
Last but not least, you should buy fitness business insurance before people workout at your gym. You never want a member to get hurt or feel as though they have been treated unfairly and sue you without having protection against any lawsuits from them. When you buy fitness business insurance well before people workout in your gym, you’ll be protected as long as your policy has that coverage.
How Long It Takes for Fitness Business Insurance to Start
One of the most common questions we receive at NEXO is how long it takes for fitness business insurance to take effect. We tell people it can take up to 48 hours. This means you should make sure when you buy fitness business insurance, you do it in plenty of time for it to be active and ready to protect when your building is your responsibility. This includes if you buy it or lease it. You will need insurance either way.
Why You Need an Experienced and Knowledgeable Agent
When looking for insurance, it’s important to choose an agent who is experienced and knowledgable about the gym business. There are many details policies need to include when it comes to a gym business and the only way to know you’re completely covered is to speak to an agent who is familiar with helping people who run fitness businesses.
How NEXO Can Help
NEXO offers liability insurances to over 3,000 facilities in the country. With all of their experience, they have been able to offer an easy and convenient online process for buying insurance. NEXO agents review every single contract that comes through to make sure the insurance offers complete protection. They specifically check to ensure the policy protects the facility’s operations and fitness community.
In addition to liability insurance, NEXO offers equipment protection. Coverage includes flooring from water damage and windows if they become shattered by a piece of equipment.
What makes us different is that we are the only insurance company to design a property insurance policy for fitness businesses.
Workers’ compensation is another type of coverage that many gym owners need as part of their insurance policy. With our pay-as-you-go premiums, it’s a budget-friendly option while protecting gym owners and employees in case of injury.
Employee practices are a concern many gym owners have when they are hiring. With NEXO’s background checks for just $19.95 each, gym business owners can rest assured the people they are hiring do not have any previous criminal activity. Not only is this a relief for owners, but it’s something that makes members feel more comfortable.
One other type of protection to be considered is special events insurance. This is especially helpful for a grand opening event. This is just another reason to get fitness business insurance before signing a lease or purchasing the building. The agents at NEXO make it easy and worry-free.
Contact NEXO Fitness Solutions now at 310-937-2007 for more information about our fitness business insurance or start the application process now.
If you’re a broker looking for innovative insurance solutions for your clients, we invite you to learn more about NEXO Insurance Services. With a focus on technology, flexibility, and customer service, NEXO offers a wide range of insurance products and services designed to meet the unique needs of today’s businesses.
By partnering with NEXO, you can offer your clients the peace of mind that comes with knowing they have the right insurance coverage in place. To learn more about NEXO Insurance Services and how they can help you grow your business, visit our Agents & Broker website or contact us today.